Formed to preserve and improve the quality of life of Cove Norris residents.

Cove Norris Homeowners’ Association Meeting April 25, 2015

The board of the Cove Norris Homeowners’ Association (CNHOA) met on Saturday, April 25,
2015 at the home of Joe Hofele. Present were board members Drew McElroy (president) Joe
Hofele (vice-president), Mike Ferkany (treasurer) and Judy Whitenack (secretary). The meeting
began at 4:00 pm.
MINUTES: Minutes of February 14, 2015 were approved.
The board approved that dues invoices in the amount of $100 per family be sent out with the
due date set at June 1, 2015. Treasurer, Mike Ferkany will be sending out and collecting dues.
If anyone prefers to send in their dues now they may be sent to Mike Ferkany, 1098 North
Shorewood Lane, Caryville TN 37714 payable to CNHOA. Dues go towards the upkeep of Cove
Norris and keeping our community something to be proud of as well as repair/maintenance,
property taxes, insurance, bank charges. Currently five members have paid dues. Also the website charge has been paid for the next five years. The current balance
in the CNHOA is $5,201.30. A detailed Treasurer’s Report is attached.
OLD BUSINESS: No “old business” was discussed.
Spring Cleanup: The board approved is the purchase of mulch for our annual Spring Cleanup
which has been set for Saturday, May 2, 2015. Those interested in helping with this project are
asked to meet at 8:00 am at the boat ramp, please bring trash bags, rakes and whatever else
you have handy to help with the cleanup.
Upcoming Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the CNHOA has been set for Saturday,
July 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Commons Area on North Shorewood
Lane. An optional “potluck” dinner has been suggested for those interested in staying after the
meeting to eat and chat. Again this is optional, but everyone must bring a chair and those not
interested in staying are free to leave after the meeting is adjourned.
Annual Meeting Agenda: An agenda will be sent out prior to the meeting via email. If anyone
has anything specific you would like added to the agenda please send this to our president,
Drew McElroy at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Drew’s email is
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Whitenack, Secretary